The sapeh (sampet, sampeh, sape) is a traditional lute of many of the Orang Ulu or "upriver people", who live in the longhouses that line the rivers of Central Borneo. Sapes are carved from a single bole of wood, with many modern instruments reaching over a metre in length.
Initially the sape was a fairly limited instrument with two strings and only three frets. Its use was restricted to a form of ritualistic music to induce trance. In the last century, the sape gradually became a social instrument to accompany dances or as a form of entertainment. Today, three, four or five-string instruments are used, with a range of more than three octaves.
Sapes are still being made in Borneo, and modern innovations like electric sapes are common.Technically, the sape is a relatively simple instrument, with one string carrying the melody and the accompanying strings as rhythmic drones. In practice, the music is quite complex, with many ornamentations and thematic variations. There are two common modes, one for the men's longhouse dance and the other for the woman's longhouse dance. There also is a third rarely used mode. Sape music is usually inspired by dreams and there are over 35 traditional pieces with many variations. The overall repertoire is slowly increasing.
圣雄甘地的名言:- 心若改變,態度就會改變; 態度改變,習慣就改變; 習慣改變,人生就會改變。 “Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny.” ~ Gandhi
同音词是读音相同,但意思不同的词汇。 例子:- bank - 银行 bank - 岸边 Write - 写 Right - 对 / 右 八 / 爸 日 - 白天/ 日子 / 太阳
来看看韩文又是如何:- 팔 八 '8' (Native Korean ) / 手臂 Arm 열十 '10' (native Korean) / 发烧Fever 차 车 Car / 茶 Tea / 差别 Difference 눈 雪 Snow / 眼睛 Eye 다리 腿 Leg / 桥 Bridge 사과* 苹果Apple / 抱歉Apology * 读音:“傻瓜" 쓰다写 To write / 用To use 개 狗 Dog / 东西 Thing, 个 item (counter) 걸다 吊To hang, 赌To bet 타다 骑To ride/ 烧 To burn 풀 胶水Glue / 草Grass 묻다 问To ask / 咬 To bite 구하다 救 To save, to rescue / 求 To look for, to seek 기타 吉他 Guitar / 其他 the others 김 干海带 Dried seaweed / 蒸汽 Steam 대기大气 Atmosphere / 待机 Stand by, be on standby 맞다 对 To be right, to be correct / 打,敲打 To be hit, to be beaten 실수失手 Mistake, error / 实数 Real number (mathematics) 싸다 便宜To be cheap / 包扎 ,包装 To wrap, pack up or package 연기烟气 Smoke / 演技 Acting 의사 医师 Doctor / 意思 Intention, intent 이상 异常/异狀 Weird, strange, abnormal, a disorder / 以上 More than, (number) or more 인정 人情 Human feelings, sympathy, pity, compassion / 认定 Recognition, ackowledgement, admission 자리 座位 Seat /空间Space, room (for something) 직장职场 Work, workplace / 直肠 Rectum
1952年,布勒松的著作 《决定性瞬间》(法语:Images à la sauvette/英语:The Decisive Moment)出版。在此后,这本书几乎成为纪实摄影的圣经。法语版Images à la Sauvette,大意为“图像进行时(images on the run)”或是“攫取的图像(stolen images)”,名称由布勒松本人所敬仰的希腊裔法国出版家Tériade所取。英文名“决定性瞬间”则由Simon & Schuster出版社的迪克·西蒙(Dick Simon)所取。
爱上韩剧《绅士的品格》(신사의품격)里的一首英文歌。歌名是 You Are Everywhere , 歌手是 Big Baby Driver。 ~凭自己的感觉去做吧,是对是错并不重要。
------------------------------------------------------ -You Are Everywhere - I know something's gone awry but I feel like going on I know I could be wrong but I also could be right And I feel the earth is turning faster before I saw you there
I feel the sky is spinning lighter before I saw you there And I see the things are not the same again Cause you're here cause you're there cause you're everywhere
Now I know how my times can be still in the way Hope this could last until we find brighter days I know how my times can be still in the way I hope this could last until we fade away
I know something's gone awry but I feel like going on I know I need to say good bye for I'm off for the brand new days with you