Monday, 22 July 2013

13-音乐- Sapeh 乐器(Jerry Kamit - Lan E Sape )

我一向喜欢吉他  guitar,如今乐器 Sapeh 跟我喜爱吉他的程度不分上下。 
这木制乐器是我在东马来西亚(北婆罗州),砂朥越州古晋市区的商店购物时,无意中听到店内播放的音乐而发现。当时播放的就是sapeh 乐曲,我是一“听” 钟情。

当中著名的几位Sapeh 音乐师,Jerry Kamit 是数一数二的。 Sapeh 歌曲中,我最爱这首Lan E Sape。



via Wikipedia

Sape front side back.jpgThe sapeh (sampetsampehsape) is a traditional lute of many of the Orang Ulu or "upriver people", who live in the longhouses that line the rivers of Central Borneo. Sapes are carved from a single bole of wood, with many modern instruments reaching over a metre in length.
Initially the sape was a fairly limited instrument with two strings and only three frets. Its use was restricted to a form of ritualistic music to induce trance. In the last century, the sape gradually became a social instrument to accompany dances or as a form of entertainment. Today, three, four or five-string instruments are used, with a range of more than three octaves.

Sapes are still being made in Borneo, and modern innovations like electric sapes are common.Technically, the sape is a relatively simple instrument, with one string carrying the melody and the accompanying strings as rhythmic drones. In practice, the music is quite complex, with many ornamentations and thematic variations. There are two common modes, one for the men's longhouse dance and the other for the woman's longhouse dance. There also is a third rarely used mode. Sape music is usually inspired by dreams and there are over 35 traditional pieces with many variations. The overall repertoire is slowly increasing.

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